Spiral Jetty, The Great Salt Lake.

Spiral Jetty Utah

If you live in Utah, there’s a good chance you’ve heard about the Spiral Jetty, but if you haven’t, you are in the right place. I have been to this spot twice so I consider my self an expert on everything there’s to know about spirals and jettys…. ok, obviously I joke, I am no expert on this guy’s life or his art, if you are here for official information on the artist Robert Smithson, you are in the wrong place buddy, that’s probably a few links above us? only jokes and light research here.

The Spiral Jetty was built on the the northeastern shore of the Great Salt Lake, by artist Robert Smithson, who I assume was taking a lot of acid or mushrooms, because how else can you get the idea or determination to build this thing, which was built in 1970, so yeah probably drugs were involved? I’m not judging the guy, just kind of whish I could have been there while it was being built, I bet that was the fun part. You can read more about how and what the artist was going for here.

This dude built this thing out of mud, salt crystals and basalt rocks, it’s a 1,500 foot long and 15 feet wide counter clockwise coil. You can really appreciate this thing a lot more if you climb the small hill behind it and look down on it. Depending on the water level of the lake, the sculpture could be submerged at times, but since the Salt Lake water level has constantly been dropping, there’s usually a big gap between here and the actual shoreline of the lake.

This is definitely a place you have to visit at least once in your life, kind of like watching the Avatar movies, you see it once and never watch it again.

Spiral Jetty plaque
Spiral Jetty flat shot
Salt Lake mountains
Spiral Jetty Salt lake
Spiral Jetty